Psychiatrists are medically trained doctors that receive an additional 6 month training in the field of psychiatry. Although some psychiatrists will specialize in 'biological' psychiatry and others will specialize as psychotherapists, most psychiatrists employ a number of different types of treatment, tailoring each combination to the needs of the individual patient. However, all psychiatrists are able to prescribe medication if they feel it is called for. They tend to be called upon to treat the more serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and manic depression.
In the province of British Columbia Psychologists have attained at least a doctorate degree in psychology.They typically carry out much of the research in the field of psychology.Unlike psychiatry, psychology is a non-medical discipline that has been firstly concerned with the normal functioning of the mind and has explored areas such as learning, remembering and the normal psychological development of children. Psychologists are not able to prescribe medication and so concentrate exclusively on psychological or 'talking treatments'. They treat a wide range of conditions, including phobias, depression, other individual emotional problems and family problems.
There are currently no regulations governing those working in the field of counselling in B.C. although this situation is under review by the Health Professions Council. At the moment, educational qualifications vary greatly for people practicing as counsellors. However, Registered Clinical Counsellors have a minimum of a Master's degree and must meet certain standards. See What is a Registered Clinical Counsellor? for more details. They counsel clients, provide therapy, evaluate the effectiveness of counselling programs and evaluate clients' progress in resolving identified problems and movement towards defined objectives, and they follow up results of counselling programs and clients' adjustments.
Social Workers
Social work positions generally have at least a B.A. university social work degree. It is mandatory to be registered with the Board of Registration for social workers to use the title of "Registered Social Worker" or to represent oneself as a social worker in the province of British Columbia. However, registration is not mandatory in order to be employed in the field of social work in B.C. Social workers treat social functioning difficulties, provide counselling, therapy and referral to other supportive social services, and evaluate child development and the adequacy of child care.